Club Fit

5 Markers of Healthy Ageing

This month we’ll look at ‘starting from exactly where you are’ in your healthy ageing journey.

From our last article, which introduced the concept of Healthy Ageing, this month we’ll look at ‘starting from exactly where you are’. We’ll draw a line in the sand as a starting point for your healthy aging lifestyle plan.

The following 5 Markers of Health Ageing are common to all ages, yet they become more of a priority as we age. To help determine your starting point, score yourself out of 5 for each of the topics below (1 – being ‘not good’, 5 – being ‘I’ve got this’).

  1. STRESS whether it’s physical, mental, financial, or even loneliness, the stress we’re experiencing could hinder our overall wellbeing.

  2. MOVING – sedentary lifestyles habits like driving, sitting, watching TV or using a computer, stops our body from doing what it’s meant to do, move!  Simply put, ‘If we don’t use it, we’ll lose it!

  3. HYDRATION – if we are de-hydrated our digestion, elimination, thinking, our overall energy, even sex, are impacted.  And NO, beer, tea, and coffee do not count!

  4. NUTRITION – not diet, keto, or veganism, just simply your nutrition. Our body needs quality, natural foods to thrive, not processed or packet food.

  5. SLEEP – poor interrupted sleep means that we’re not repairing mentally, physically, or emotionally. 8hrs of uninterrupted sleep is the goal!

So, what did you score?

Now, if you’re reading this article, you probably know what you need to change. The big question is, do you really want to change, because if you do, you already know exactly what you must do, don’t you think?

Send me an email,, telling me the top things that you are going to change to successfully get onto your path of Healthy Ageing.

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